Australia's home of Situational Leadership®

Influence 3: connect, communicate, collaborate.

Influence 3 is about helping individuals, teams and organisations "connect, communicate and collaborate" more effectively. We're also proud to be the Australia and New Zealand Global Affiliate for the Center for Leadership Studies, providing Situational Leadership® workshops as well as other great programs focusing on leadership, communication and coaching.

And many of these programs, as well as coaching sessions, can be delivered online - including the Situational Leadership® program, now available as a self-paced online resource for your team members to learn these essential principles and skills. 

My commitment is to provide you with quality, practical training and coaching services that will help your current and emerging leaders improve and grow.  Among the range of services Influence 3 offers are Communication @ Work sessions - focusing on individual and team communication, professional writing techniques, or presentation skills; The Leadership Circle profile - for manager and leader development; Coaching for Results - individual coaching and coaching skills for managers; DiSC or Team Management profiling - for improving individual and team connections, communication and collaboration; and Leading with Emotional Intelligence, incorporating the EQ-i 2.0 instrument. 

Together, these tailored programs can help your current and emerging leaders and their teams connect, communicate and collaborate more effectively and productively.

Find out more about these programs or call me to discuss your team's specific requirements.

- Aubrey Warren



Developing individuals, teams and organisations across Australia and New Zealand ...

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Educating, Equipping, Encouraging

The excellence of habits

Posted by Aubrey Warren on 23 October 2019
"We are what we repeatedly do," said Aristotle. "Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." In the past two newsletters I&...
Posted in:Focusproductivitychange  

Ingredients for confidence

Posted by Aubrey Warren on 16 October 2019
"Confidence," says Rosabeth Moss Kanter, director and chair of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative, "is an expecta...
Posted in:Situational LeadershipFocusinfluenceattentionproductivity  

Strengths bring out the best

Posted by Aubrey Warren on 10 October 2019
It's been a while ... six months, in fact, since the last newsletter. Across those months a few themes seemed to emerge from the workshops and ...
Posted in:Situational LeadershipCommunicateinfluenceproductivity  

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+61 0412 756 435

PO Box 5025,
West End, Qld. 4101

Working with experienced organisational development partner organisations to deliver a range of quality services.

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