In our rapidly changing and challenging work environments we all need to be able to collaborate more effectively to adapt, learn and maintain productivity. But collaboration doesn't just happen because we need it to it requires effective communication. And communication takes skill and insight. Our communication becomes our "brand", so it's vital that we are able to communicate effectively and adaptively whether that is face to face, in writing, informally or through persuasive presentations.
And of course, before we engage in the effective communication that enables productive collaboration, we need to have open, trusting connections with people. All too often we try to communicate across poor connections, which results in limited understanding and collaboration.
Influence 3 programs are designed to address the need to connect, communicate and collaborate. We can design a program for your team and draw upon the range of proven workshops, coaching and tools highlighted here, from DiSC, the Team Management Profile, EQ-I for emotional intelligence insights, The Leadership Circle for coaching, or the renowned Situational Leadership® program.